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Writer's pictureThe phoenix

Hurt me baby, one more time

Updated: Sep 21, 2019

I am craving for sushi right now, which can also be kind of a metaphor to what I am going through in my life at the moment, and I am so glad to experience those feelings; hunger, excitement, crave. Those feelings are the ones that drive me in my life. I can probably say those feelings have a direct connection to pain, which is a basic need for me as I have came to realize. Well, as long as it makes me move forward and succeed in what I do, I really except it with joy.

I believe not everyone can relate to those feelings but in general- every person that had ever made a change in any area of their life did it because they were unsatisfied with this particular thing they had decided to change. So basically if you think about it- each and everyone one us needs a certain kind of pain in order to move. People can be divided into many groups, but if generalize them you can group them into 3 main categories: 1. The one that don't know, they don't know- confusing, ha? Well in this group you will find the kind of people who think they deserve everything in the world just for their being, the ones who think someone else is responsible for their well being and that others should take care of them forever. Those people have no idea what they are supposed to do in their life, letting go of the fact they never really try to understand their responsibilities and life purpose. Those people are forever stuck in a loop of hate and blaming others for their failures, and do not understand they should blame only themselves. Being this kind of person will not lead to success or goal achieving, and it will definitely not make you happy. 2. The one that knows, he don't know- this is a better group to be in, because when you realise there are things you don't know, you can decide to learn, and learning- is the key to success. I am definitely not talking about learning as in school and so, even though this kind of learning is also very important for your growth. I am talking about learning the skills and information that you actually need in order to grow your own empire and wealth. The one that understands he doesn't have what he needs in order to have this particular thing that will satisfy him, or her of course, will go and look for the people or experiences that will give them their answers and tools. It is much better to be this kind of person than the one I mentioned before because that kind of being can lead you to wherever you want to see yourself at, if you choose the right path. 3. The one that knows, that he know- this is not the top, but it is the highest level of learning. One cannot know everything about everything, but everyone can know something very well and specialize in that. More than that, life is about growth and development, and it is the process that bring all of us to new places and achievements. When someone had been through the learning process of something and he knows it well he can now use this skill in his life and also- teach it to someone else and create much more, using his knowledge and the knowledge of those he teaches now. Being in this group doesn't mean you've won, it only means you've made a progress and now you can move to the next exciting thing. However, you must keep on learning all the time and then transfer it to others in order to “free up space” to learn more and so on.

I believe everyone can remember at least one major change they had in their life and the reasons they made it for. It is a great thing to be in a place where you feel those “negative” emotions such as pain, hunger and deep need because it means your alive and you experience the world for real. Much worse is being apathetic because that is when you are in risk of drowning in your own mind.

Strong feelings and emotions are good for you, don't be afraid of it. I know how terrible it is to try and keep everything inside or try to not feel whatever you feel. Not only it is hard, it is also dangerous to you and to everybody around you. Keeping strong emotions inside might lead to destructive consequences, and believe me you will not be happy to be there. Instead, try doing everything on time and at the right moments; love the ones you love, hate the ones you hate, not the opposite. There is no point in keeping your anger for your boss and then go and shout at your children for not going to bed on time. Instead, stop taking shit from this idiot and change a workplace or whatever will make you treat people the way they truly deserve. Don't keep inside what stops you from growing, demand it if you want to grow. Feel, learn and grow all the time, then repeat.

Life is about the emotions you experience because in the end we all going to die anyways, but you will probably feel better knowing you have lived a fulfilled life then feeling you have wasted your time in vain here.

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