In a world full of fake happiness and selfish relationships, it is important to maintain at least one stable and trustful relationship, and make sure it would last longer than your morning walks
Welcome to the real world; Where the closest people lie and cheat, and strangers are just trying to take your energy from you for their own good. Beyond all that- there is so much beauty, which is just getting lost behind the scene of negativity and misunderstanding. What we see and live on our daily basis is wrong, it is not how the world was supposed to be. We were given so much good so we could use it wisely, not to destroy it because of our selfishness. That is the exact reason thing are as they are, we lost trust in each other because of our own stupidity, and now we are being punished.
Humans hurt each other nowadays
One thing I could never see logically; I was always told that we hurt the ones we love, but how does that even make sense?! Shouldn't it be the total opposite?
People tend to hurt the ones they love the most, and why? Well, I have a few assumptions: First of all, it is so much easier to take our loved ones for granted and treat them badly, much harder to do it with strangers because you already know they wouldn't be there if you do something wrong. But why do we care about strangers opinion more than we care what our closest people will think of us? I think the answer is pretty simple- we tend to think that our close circle must take and accept us for who we are, and strangers don't. But the truth is- no body has to take and accept us as is, it is our own job to be worthy enough to be accepted. I don't mean becoming someone your not in order to satisfy your environment, but I do say we should fit our environment. To make things clearer, I'll make an example;
A man who is unable to give, will say she is asking for too much
I know women will relate on this one: A man and a woman meet and start dating. Everything is kind of plain from the beginning; too many requests from the mans' side, especially regarding sex, but he doesn't really do anything to satisfy her. They keep dating for a while, and as the time goes by there are more and more requests, but nothing back. Then the woman start to complain and they have a fight that goes kind of like this: her: "You don't love me, you never do anything for me, you don't buy me gifts, you never take me out" and so on... him: "You are so ungrateful! Look how much I have done for you! (bring a list of a few small actions that show nothing)" and it becomes a great fight, which the end of is kind of the same; He ends up saying "I don't understand what you want from me, you ask for too much!". Now the problem in it, is that it really hurts to hear from the man you love and would do anything for, that you ask for too much. Is showing you love is too much? And yes, of course attention is what shows it, what did you think?
A male who is acting like that for sure cannot call himself a man, because a real man knows how to treat his woman properly. First of all a man knows he should show respect before he asks for anything, he must respect her will and ways, and if he doesn't, he shouldn't be with her. After that there's the courting part, a girl needs attention! There is nothing to do about it, it is what it is, whether you like it or not. Your only choice is to accept it and act accordingly, with love, or you can date a girl of a very low level who needs nothing at all and then your all set, but do note you will probably get nothing from her too. In a one sided relationship may be only losers; the part who is giving all of it loses time and energy, and the side who is only taking will eventually, lose the giving person one way or another.
You cannot have a long stable relationship without trust, and giving each other is exactly what builds trust, so it has to be the basic value for both of you in order to have a strong and trustful partnership for life together.
In the end, it is all about giving
If you don't give, you wouldn't get back, that is the rule. In order to fulfill our destiny on earth, we must be in contact with what is happening around us.
Be in contact
You really don't need to be perfect for other people, you just have to be fair with them. Give what your loved ones need but not to get back, give because you want to make them happy. That is the only reason why things will get better for you. Don't take your closest people for granted, ever. They will not always be there, appreciate them and do care for their feeling and dreams. And stop caring about what strangers think of you- they wouldn't be there on time, just like they weren't before. Be in contact with the world around you, take care of your family and true friendships, the ones that are for a lifetime. Notice how can you help and just do it, without looking for a special "why". Build a strong, steady base on trust relationship with the universe by accepting its' rules.